What Makes Built-up Flat Roofing More Durable than Ordinary Roofing?

tpo roof

TPO roofing or built-up roofing has been in use in America for more than a century. It is a type of roofing where multiple layers of waterproof materials are packed alternating with hot tar and finished off with a layer of pebble-like gravel. Formerly flat roofs and BUR roofing were used only for commercial buildings, but the trend is slowly but steadily changing. Residence owners also are beginning to favor this roofing in Tampa. Building owners have several reasons for opting for this type of roofing over ordinary flat roofing materials.

1. Affordability

Built-up roofs are affordable. The layers of the roofing are made using gravel and bitumen or coal tar. These materials are readily available and inexpensive. It is one of the reasons why these types of roofs are chosen increasingly by the residential sector.

2. Maintenance

One of the advantages that attract customers to this type of roofing is that it needs almost no maintenance. When it is needed, it can be done easily, and will not impact your wallet significantly like other roofing materials. 

3. Water-resistant

The built-up roof is water-resistant. The gravel and bitumen used on the surface do not absorb or retain water even when it faces heavy rains. So, algal and fungal growth on the BUR is minimal.

4. Thermal functioning

The built-up roof relieves you from worries during the hot summers. You don’t have to worry about curling or buckling your roof surface due to severe heat. It is not much affected by extreme heat or icy cold weather. This fact makes it highly energy efficient. This aspect of your roof will reflect on your energy bills.

5. UV- ray resistance

The built-up roof can handle the strong and often detrimental UV rays well. The layer of gravel serves as a barrier for the UV rays and protects the layers underneath.

Flat roof with skylight and hydro insulation membranes

6. Fire resistance

The topmost gravel layer is the fire-resistant layer of the built-up roof. It is 100% fire-resistant, and it is relevant in the localities that are often threatened by wildfires.

7. Unbroken and continuously fortified surface

The surface of the built-up roof is unbroken and is a continuous stretch. This aspect reduces the chances of water damage through the surface. Compared to other roofing materials that are used in small units connected or attached seamlessly, the built-up roof has no seams other than the one along the peripheries. So it provides a completely fortified surface against water damage.

8. Impact resistance

The built-up roof is not easily damaged by any ordinary kind of impact. The hailstones do not dent it. You don’t have to worry about the flying tree limbs during a hurricane or storm. Their impacts do not affect this roof much.

9. Grip in all weathers

The built-up roofs are highly weather-immune. They weather any extreme climatic conditions. Extreme heat, deluges, or frosty winters are all the same for the BUR. It stands up to them.

10. Reparability

In case any minor problems arise, it is easy to repair them. If the surface develops blisters, which sometimes happen with poor quality installations, they can be deflated by incising, and an extra layer of BUR does the trick. When a built-up roof passes its prime, cracks may appear. Then clean the surface of gravel and other debris and apply asphalt cement on the spot. Another usual glitch is that the surface may be uneven at certain places. An experienced roofer will even it out by applying another thin layer.

repair TPO roof

11. Allows foot traffic

It is easy to install rooftop structures on a built-up roof. Any amount of foot traffic does not affect it. It also provides the necessary grip for walking.

12. Aesthetics

The built-up roofs are aesthetically pleasing in Tampa as they have an even appearance. The uppermost gravel layer lends a rugged beauty to your roof.

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